Spacey Sul's Profile
Spacey Sul is Offline
Location: Charleston, SC
Age: 24 (05-31-00) Gender: Male
Registered: 04-29-13 11:40 AM (4299 days ago)
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Last Activity: 03-23-22 12:13 AM
Viewing Spacey Sul's Profile
Viewing Spacey Sul's Profile
Last Post: 12-16-21 06:51 PM
What song do you have stuck in your head right now?
What song do you have stuck in your head right now?
Hello! I'm Spacey, but I go by Fex now! You may remember my name being pink, but I am a guy now and so here's a color change to match lol
I haven't changed much otherwise - still a major Pokemon fanatic, still very into video games and writing about them, and hopefully one day I'll be making some too!
Always open for a conversation, over just about anything! I'm very easy to convince to try games, if I haven't tried a game already!
I haven't changed much otherwise - still a major Pokemon fanatic, still very into video games and writing about them, and hopefully one day I'll be making some too!
Always open for a conversation, over just about anything! I'm very easy to convince to try games, if I haven't tried a game already!
Page Comments
Davideo7 - 12-11-21 07:58 AM
Thanks for the generous donation
no 8120 - 12-10-21 04:13 AM
your welcome hope you had a nice Birthday
no 8120 - 05-31-21 04:32 AM
Happy birthday
no 8120 - 05-31-20 04:44 AM
Happy Birthday
no 8120 - 11-14-16 06:05 AM
Happy Birthday
Matthew2321 - 09-05-16 10:16 AM
ghostfishy - 07-28-16 11:07 PM
Survived summer class and on my 1 month vacation. Where have you moved this time?
legacyme3 - 07-28-16 03:06 PM
Not a problem. Don't be a stranger!
Uzar - 07-28-16 09:17 AM
That was my old cat all the way. lol
Uzar - 07-28-16 09:06 AM
Thanks.And the kitten loooves you I bet. x3